Time to reflect upon an interesting term. A mixed set of emotions to contemplate. I am really looking forward to a restorative trip to the highlands for the festive break. In terms of Foundation: I have thrown myself into it and found it a thoroughly productive and stimulating few months since September – it is exactly what I hoped and truly a self-actualising experience long overdue! Unfortunately though, the last term has come with sadness – the loss of Jim and the emotional energy spent around supporting Carol leaves a deficit. My husband has worked away quite a lot recently which, comes with its own stresses and strains. Getting his salary paid on time is an erratic affair and causes a lot of worry but also, he hasn’t been very well. Let’s re-charge! Art wise: ‘The ‘Patron’s Legacy’ beckons again in terms of following up on the October half term research and developing outcomes for the Film Festival exhibition – I am looking forward to continuing with this over the break.
Signing off with a festive little lino.