A beautiful day for a drive through The Lakes to visit Brantwood; Ruskin’s home. Brantwood was surprisingly busy given the time of year – groups arriving from the Coniston launch as well as the car park being quite full. In the house, I watched the introductory video before a walk through the rooms. I had been looking forward to seeing Sarah Casey’s exhibition ‘Ruskin’s Good Looking’ and it did not disappoint. The drawings on waxed paper of Ruskin’s garments are stunningly beautiful. I discovered her work a while ago when I was investigating artist/science collaborators, and it has held me transfixed. https://www.sarahcasey.co.uk/about I am fascinated by how her chosen drawing processes relate so intimately to her subjects and express with such amazing clarity and economy, the complex concepts she addresses.
After the house – the garden. Ziggy Zaggy was the most interesting area: a restored garden, designed and planted to represent the 7 deadly sins. Following this a pleasurable stroll through the woodland areas. (Photos in sketch book)