Monday 10th June: A few days to let ‘the end’ sink in. Cleaning around the studio and doing photography, tweeking SB and presenting ‘drawer work’ being a nice wind-down as it was, I did worry whether there would be a sense of anti-climax in these few days (now a few more than originally planned) before our final show opens.
A break in the horrid weather we’re getting this June, prompted garden blitzing at the weekend – always a good distraction – and not just from any sense of anti-climax but also the nightmare amount of housework to be done. “Artist’s studio?…” I can hear Chris saying “…. SPEWdio more-like!’ And he’s right to be complaining yet again ….. oops – my bad. It is such an overwhelming mess actually I think I need to go and sit in ‘Shinrin’ to recover from the horror of it ? . ‘Stunning! But can I have my wife back now please?’ he posted on the Shinrin fb page bless him.
Rain again and it’s time to begin house-work.
Washing in. Living room tidy. Now here to start sorting my memory sticks out and look at the last photos I took. Here is FMP sketch book. It feels rather nostalgic looking through.
In the beginning… Kimonos Art about trees. Wood and concrete. Off to Brantwood. Beautiful Ruskin Garden at Brantwood. Thinking aloud. Worrying Marvellous IH Finllay Finlay and Boyce and CONCRETE poetry Research minimalist installation CHWA & Tree motifs Up and running Gathering a bit of momentum Now reaching top pace Full speed ahead Out of the doldrums Fabric Plaster Printing More research – minimalist installation Seriously Paul?! …. white on white CONCRETE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Trencadis Final imaginings – ikebana-ishy Ikebana No Cosmic Speculation this year 🙁 Bench plans and layout drawings Considering linear information Printing veils Timetable Photography fun.
Tuesday 11th June: More washing. More rain! Started putting art things away. Rather nice to look at and handle everything and reflect upon the whole Foundation journey.

Not much change then? But, what a lot has changed….. from this

To this….