The roll of a dice will dictate a topic. A second roll will determine a medium and finally you will roll for a methodology. Each week throughout the project, you will repeat the second and third rolls and work on your topic accordingly. – A project conceived by Jan Kelsey. How exciting!
Pathway Project Week contd.
Collaborative paired work. Chose a book/poem, select a passage to respond to collaboratively. Make a collaborative response. Finally, develop your piece to share with the group.
We select ‘The Wasteland’ and propose to collaboratively make Mme Sosostris’ pack of cards.
Later, to present our work, we make a backdrop in the fashion photography corner and ‘dress’ Mme Sosostris, seated at her tarot table.
Pathway Project Week. 30th Oct.-2nd Nov. 2018
All change! The studio is transformed, we have pathway zones now for Fine Art, Viz Com., Fashion, 3D etc. and have each chosen our personal studio spaces – a desk with a board. Our Fine Art induction has been exciting; a quick fire range of collaborative activities based on the elements of chance and random outcomes.
One: a) Random selections define a subject, methodology and medium to produce individual responses.
Alternatively, another person gets ….
b) Unite the individual responses in a collaborative piece and find a way to connect everything.
Linking it all up.
Two: Some contextual studies input about ‘chance’ in Art. Interesting material to read about Bruce Mau’s , ‘An Incomplete Manifesto For Growth’, and Brian Eno’s ‘Oblique Strategies’.
Three: Chance Based Narrative. Lucky dip for your narrative character, lucky dip again… discovery where you are or what state you are in. Another dip, get a post card. Finally, dip again to discover who your postcard is to be addressed to. What message will you write to them? Now hook all your ‘clues’ together and make art around the narrative you construct. What fun!
The Patron’s Legacy
Half term: thankfully, a ‘restful’ homework project … watch a load of John Hurt movies and pick a couple to respond to creatively in any way you wish. Thankfully ‘restful’ because I have got ill. The intensity of the last few weeks has dissipated and lurgy has taken over. There is a lot to do in terms of tidying in the garden but I don’t feel up to it. There is a trip to Norwich next week and it seems like a big ask. Being curled-up on the settee watching movies seems like a good plan.