Thinking about end of life options – a little research about private burials inspired by the fact that a poem has begun to take shape in my mind while I’ve been driving to and fro from home to college and back.
The Natural Death Centre.
It interests me that a ‘home’ or private (as it is called) burial is not beyond the realms of possibility. An important option for me to consider as I am so connected to ‘my’ land. Digging it, shaping it, growing in it, eating from it, keeping it fertile, loving its beauty in the changing seasons … fighting for it – these are entwined in the fabric of my raison d’etre.
Stobart, J. (2011) Extraordinary Sketchbooks, London, Bloomsbury Visual Arts. A collection of examples discussed. Many are traditional ‘explore and store’ type sketch books but some are ‘resolved pieces’ – works of art in themselves. I have particularly enjoyed studying the William Kentridge section. Again, the theme of overlaying – images with layers that variously expose-obscure information is interesting – the palimpsest idea again.

De Vires Sokol, D. (2008) 1000 Artist Journal Pages. Massachusetts, Quarry Books. A classification and exposition of artists’ journal approaches: sketched, doodled, mixed-media, fabric based, collaborative, graphic, digital etc. A dizzying array of wonderful examples and rationales!