
  1. More cleaning and tidying around other areas of the studio.
  2. Improving the crates.
  3. Photographing Shinrin: various angles, different lights etc.


A long day with many trips up and down the ladders! The drapes are hung and I’ve tried out several different layouts of the installation.

Tuesday and Wednesday

  1. Get boxes into the studio.
  2. Put black computers away.
  3. Plaster the standing element bases around formers in boxes and leave to set.
  4. C L E A N I N G. White on white pieces need to be in a pristine environment. The windows are covered in glue and the floor is covered in paint spots.

5. Begin some trial layouts of the installation while measuring up the hanging points and drop for the draped pieces.

6. PVA varnish the trencadis pieces and when dry, cement into the bench.

7. More window cleaning and floor washing around the studio.

8. Hanging an eye-line to to help with hanging of the printed drapes on Thursday.

A Stroke of Genius

After a hard graft in the allotment on Saturday, time relaxing in the front garden in the evening sun, allowed genius to visit…….. trying to think out where and how to finish printing and building crates in the house (which is just too small!) Chris suggested ‘the factory’. Clever man! So yesterday and today much has been accomplished using the space and long benches in his workplace while he has TLC’d his servers and repaired a broken door window..

The crates have taken shape with positive and negative space formers /transit stability supports. I will finish them next week after using them to get the plaster work onto the bottom of each element. Lining them with wet-strength tissue & PVA maché should give them final strength and make them look better.

The printing is complete. I amended the screen; this time, not using newsprint but just taping masking tape to block off the line outlines I wanted. A much better option, as it allows me to see through the screen while printing – much better for placing the marks than with the newsprint version.