The Gnosis SetHow It Comes To Experience YouIt Borrows You For A while
The space (and time) that ‘It’ (iron as life) inhabits, is suggested by the wide horizon effected by the opened-out concertina form of the books, each concluding with an enclosure in which shared experience can enter shared space – respectively, the space respiration and chemical circulation systems occupy in the commonality of living things.
Well, NO! It was more like racing in at high speed shouting ‘Let me etch!’ This was because, the day before, I had watched this……..
…and while watching it, I found myself scribbling furiously, drawing quite spontaneously, and making little illustrations of the things Chi was talking about. In no time, I had several sketchbook pages, drawing, making notes, thinking back to the CHWA, conference and remembering the projects about blood and breath that had been presented there……….. Yeah! A sort of idea was germinating which resulted in this.
And by Appraisal time just before Christmas…… these
relating to thoughts about these things….
“It is through a phenomenological type of reflection that I was led to see that the oneness of the human person and the rest of the system of nature is discovered, not invented….. a sharp division between the self and an environment is not present.”
Marietta, 2003. p122.
Marietta Jr., D.E. (2003) in Toadvine,T. Ed., Brown, Charles S.Ed. (2003) “Eco-Phenomenology. Back To The Earth Itself” New York, SUNY Press.
I re-shaped my module proposal as an exploration of interconnectedness- macro to micro -relating to the evolution of elements critical to life and the connections between plant, animal and mineral worlds by which these elements move through time and space.
The evolution of respiration would be illustrated with organic cellular forms in fluid environments drawn spontaneously in a gestural style and be contrasted with crystalline, mineral entities and abrasive erosive processes illustrating the evolution of circulation. The prints would be presented as artist’s books in zig-zag form to suggest time and include enclosures to suggest space, telling the story of the evolution of iron into the HemeB molecule critical for respiration and circulation in plants and animals – a fascinating interconnection that stimulates questions like ‘What are we?’, ‘Where do we begin and end?’, ‘What is other, upon which we depend?’
Time to reflect upon an interesting term. A mixed set of emotions to contemplate. I am really looking forward to a restorative trip to the highlands for the festive break. In terms of Foundation: I have thrown myself into it and found it a thoroughly productive and stimulating few months since September – it is exactly what I hoped and truly a self-actualising experience long overdue! Unfortunately though, the last term has come with sadness – the loss of Jim and the emotional energy spent around supporting Carol leaves a deficit. My husband has worked away quite a lot recently which, comes with its own stresses and strains. Getting his salary paid on time is an erratic affair and causes a lot of worry but also, he hasn’t been very well. Let’s re-charge! Art wise: ‘The ‘Patron’s Legacy’ beckons again in terms of following up on the October half term research and developing outcomes for the Film Festival exhibition – I am looking forward to continuing with this over the break.